Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Heading South

My long anticipated winter vacation has arrived.  Today was my last day of winter camp, which involved Uno and Shrek.  Card games and movie quizzes don't seem too pressing, but it's not good when you can quote half of Shrek from over exposure.  "We can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning, I'm making waffles!"  Anyway, I'm through with the cold, the dark, and the teaching for now.  I'm heading south to sunnier skies, jungles, beaches, and to where I don't have to explain the difference between "break" and "brake".  Tomorrow I take a bus to Seoul and hop on an Air Asia flight to Kuala Lumpur.  I'll be meeting up with five travel companions and hit up three countries in three weeks: Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore.

I probably won't be updating the blog until I get back, but there will be plenty of stories and photos to post afterward.  I'll be checking my e-mail enough and might even dabble in Facebook while I'm gone.  Other than that, I'll be unreachable.  Just imagine me on a beach or on a scooter debating whether I should go snorkeling,  visit a temple, or find a frosty adult beverage.  This is what it's all about!  Later hosen.

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